I realize i’ve been posting a lot less frequently here on my blog…and I can say it’s forsure a result of the season of life I am in right now. When I was living in Kashiwa, every part of my life was new, interesting and worth documenting to share with others. I mostly blogged to show my family what I was up to and talk in detail about events and things I was learning. But now that I am home, it’s not that my life is any less interesting, it’s just that the people I blogged for are the same people I see every day so I don’t feel as compelled to write on here. haha!

Anyway, it’s still a worthy venture to blog about things going on and share some photos…for my own expression (i’ve always considered blogging a form of therapy for me) and to document where I am at in life so I can one day look back on this and say..”Awww.”

So here are three big things in my life lately…


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One of the main things I missed when living in Japan was the beach. Which is just about the most ironic thing ever considering Japan is an ISLAND…and an ISLAND THE SIZE OF CALIFORNIA mind you. Yet - beaches are hard to come by there…mostly because the coast of Tokyo is predominantly for shipping boats and cargo, and the closest beach to me in Chiba was almost a 2 hour bus and train ride away. So, now that I am home and a 10 minute drive from miles and miles of the California coastline, I am trying to take advantage of it. Ever since I was young, I always connected to God at the beach. The way he made rocks turn into sand, the constant flow of the tide, the power of the sea and the certainty that only God could create a sunset as magical as the ones you see over the ocean. I am thankful to be home and back at the beach.


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Recently I have accumulated two new hobbies. This was never something I had planned…they both kinda fell into my lap and KAPOW…here we are.

The first new hobby is Jewelry. Very random, I know. It all started when my aunt suggested I help out her friend’s Jewelry company. I obliged, and now I help out this lady who sells amazing diamonds and gemstones. I now know the difference between a Moonstone and a Morganite, Karat and Carat (there is a diff, not just a spelling error) and White Gold and Sterling Silver lol!!

The second new hobby is Climbing. Specifically…bouldering. As we all know the Oscar winning documentary FREE SOLO (which documents climber Alex Honnold as he free climbs El Cap) just came out and has been creating a buzz around rock climbing and bouldering. This spurred my cousins and I to sign up for a groupon at Hangar 18 just to try it out and ever since we went…WE’VE BEEN HOOKED. Not gunna lie, climbing is a weird unconventional sport where you basically strap on funny looking shoes, pat powder on your hands and climb up a colored pattern of rocks to the top. But it’s strangely addicting. For me, I am actually TERRIBLE at it. Like really really seriously bad. But yet, I keep going back. There a slow, rhythmic calm to climbing that lets you go at your own pace. Plus, the moment you reach the top of any climb always feel like an amazing victory. It’s a fun way to socialize, be humbled at how bad you are at something, and work out!! Perfect!


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Lately i’ve been spending a lot of quality time with the newest addition to the Komae family and my brother’s third son, Jordan. He’s the chillest cutest most cuddly little thing and holding him is my favorite thing in the world. It’s an honor to be around my siblings’ kids on a daily basis, to be a part of their lives and to watch them grow up. It’s moment like these that make me so incredibly thankful to be home…and I pause to reflect on God’s goodness and His perfect timing in all things.

Blessed to be home and enjoying life here in sunny southern California…but already scheming my next trip back to Japan :)