Tokyo is a magical land year-round...but during April there is an extra sparkle of magic due to the two week time frame where sakura (cherry blossoms) are in bloom. 

One of the places you HAVE to see while in Tokyo in April is Nakameguro...or Nakamegs as I like to call it. 

Like a magical fairy land!! river..ahhh Japan.

I hit up my fav coffee shop in Meguro, JAHO COFFEE, to visit my friend Nami that works there. I ordered a coffee and this amazing strawberry mousse with azuki bean on the bottom. SO GOOD. 

JAHO has the coolest vibe and it's my go-to spot when in the area. Plus, Nami is amazing and the friendliest and most joyful lady! 

I cruised the streets of Nakamegs and couldn't believe how many people were there on a Tuesday at 4pm. But then I concluded that most of the people were college students, stay at home moms, or cute elderly people! I was so thankful to get a view of the sakura in meguro and to spend one more nice afternoon in Tokyo before the new school year begins on Thursday!

After chillen in Meguro, I headed to Odaiba to meet up with Pastor Steve and Nancy who are here with a group from GVBC. I met them at their hotel and they took me to get starbucks. We chatted all about their jam packed tour of Japan, my job here, Japanese churches, ministry, and also how they both have known me since I was 2 years old! That is pretty special, and I was so blessed by the time I had with them. 

So...this is really the beginning of this beautiful Sakura season...more where this came from!!