God is crazy good and He works in mysterious and wonderful ways! 

Upon my first few weeks in Japan I knew I wanted to find a church to attend. Japan is a nation in which less than 1% of the population affiliates with Christianity so I knew that finding a church would require a lot of prayer and guidance from the Lord.

God is faithful and I found a sermon posted online from Hope Church and decided to attend the following week. When I arrived at church I met another American in the elevator (Caroline, who is now one of my closest friends!) and found a seat in the main sanctuary. The screen turned on to show some announcements and one of the first things I see is WATOTO CHILDRENS CHOIR IS COMING!  My mouth just about hit the floor.....WAIT WHAT?? You see...about two years ago I was living in Gulu, Uganda working for Krochet Kids and I attended a church out there called Watoto. YEP. The same Watoto that was planning to visit the church I was currently sitting at in the middle of CHIBA JAPAN. WHAT IS LIFE!?

My world kind of shrunk in at that moment and I could hardly believe the connection...and I just started laughing in disbelief that God could work out something this amazing.

So...finally the day of the concert arrived! I totally spaced out and forgot to wear my Kitenge (African fabric) jacket to match the kids (darn!) but listening to them shout their hearts out and worship our Father put me right back to my little home in Gulu and Sunday services at Watoto. 

One more crazy factor to the story....

...While the group was performing I recognized the guy in the green jacket. I thought to myself...wait a second, could that be Samuel? Samuel from my discipleship group that I met with every Wednesday night in Gulu? no way.

Towards the end of the service he grabs the mic and says... "hello my name is Samuel.." And I just about fell out of my seat. THAT IS SAMUEL! From my cell discipleship group in Gulu! I knew he was a worship leader but what are the chances that he would be touring with the Childrens Choir and be at my home church here in JAPAN??? 


So Samuel and I chatted about the crazy connection we had from two years ago...and we caught up on all our friends from back in Gulu and where everyone is at now. I was just blown away by how global God's church really is and how the Ugandan Church and the Japanese Church came together in worship and just made my little American heart explode!