It has been a while since I visited this small corner of the web that I call my personal blog. I started this page to write about my life in Japan. Since moving back to the states a few years ago, life has been moving fast and I haven’t been writing here much.

But a recent trip to Hawaii and the resurrection of film photography has me feeling the need to share it all here once again. We went for my dear friend’s wedding and had the most magical time. Palm trees, shave ice, cool breeze, hawaiian music on the radio, and that light tropical rain that you don’t even mind hitting your face.

Carrying my film camera around was a nice change of pace as well. For the first time in a while, I didn’t lug around my heavier SLR, and I simply snapped a photo when I wanted to freeze it in time- uncertain of the outcome but simply happy to be there.

Hawaii, thank you for sharing your beauty. Til’ next time, Mahalo.