
FOR 2 ENTIRE YEARS I have called Japan home. wow. 


I have tasted the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord more in these last two years than I have in my entire life. Sitting here, thinking back on the days right before I moved here...I was so afraid. So afraid of teaching, of living alone, of leaving my family, of feeling homesick, of adjusting to a new country, of finding a church, of making new friends...I was terrified. And let me tell you people...GOD IS FAITHFUL because I love teaching, I have grown so much living alone, I love my family more, I have yet to feel homesick (not even for a day!), every adjustment has felt like a fun new experience, I have found a home church I love and I have made some of the most incredible friends here. GOD IS FAITHFUL! 

In the process of seeing the Lord in so many new ways and deepening in my dependance on Him, I have also learned a lot about myself. Mostly that I am NOT a winter person, I am an extrovert through and through, I love city life and don't mind long train rides, I can survive living on my own, I cry a lot (tv shows, nice people, too much thinking), I love being a teacher...and so on and so forth! Living abroad has really stretched me and challenged me personally, and I am discovering who I truly am and where my heart really comes alive. It's been quite an amazing two years of life here...and I am stoked for all that God has planned for my third and final year!! THANK YOU JESUS!