One of my favorite things in the world is getting lost in a good book. Especially when that book is meaty, full of depth and makes you think! Because that right there... is some goooood soul food.

When I was young, I read a lot. I loved diving into the characters of every teen fiction book and wrapping myself up in the story. My dad would always pop his head in my room and gently say, "reading in the dark is bad for your eyes" while flipping on the light. This enjoyment of books continued throughout high school where I asked my English teacher for her book recs and then read them so quickly my friends would make fun of me. "You're such a teachers pet!" haha. 

Then in college I was exposed to the academic side of reading which we all know isn't the most fun. But luckily I was introduced to a lot of new theologians - aka Bonhoeffer, Edwards, Spurgeon, Kierkegaard, Tozer - all who opened my mind and heart in a new and fascinating way. I was hooked. My Amazon wishlist suddenly looked like something off the syllabus of "CLASS 210: Theology and the Christian Life" #thanksAPU

Anyway, due to the fact that it is difficult to find theology books here in Japan, I have chosen a few others to keep my reading going and my mind working hard to pick a part characters and follow the author's intention. Here's what I've been reading lately..

GOOD BOOKS. I Highly recommend All The Light We Cannot See if you want a good fiction novel. I gave it to my brother to read after I finished it in Vietnam last year and then he lost it, thanks Russ. Also, The Screwtape Letters is always worth reading over again...and again. 

My goal for the new year is to keep reading, as much as possible. I had a conversation with my mom today in which she encouraged me to read all the books we have on our kindle account before I start asking for more. That's a good challenge! 

a few comments on the other books:
The Rosie Project. An interesting and quick read. Light-hearted and the type of book they sell at airport bookstores.
The Invention Of Wings. One of those books Oprah likes to endorse because of its drama. Had my opinions on the way the author connected the characters emotionally, but over all - good read.
The Truest Thing About You. A gift from my dear friend, and a powerful message we all ought to hear. Being loved by God is the truest thing about us. Amen. 
What The Dog Saw. Interesting jorunalistic writings by Gladwell. A random mix of stories, so a good book to keep and read every so often when you need a break.