"Amie sensei"

Well folks, I now have officially cleared out my desk, given a farewell speech and retired my title as "Amie sensei"


Three years teaching at Ichikashi absolutely FLEW by. My last day at work (July 20th) was filled with plain disbelief...lots of tears of gratitude...many bouquets of flowers paired with the sweetest cards...and countless good hugs. 

I thought i'd share a few of the social media posts my students shared on my last day. For the past three years, I haven't shared my social media contact with my students, just to keep some teacher-student distance...but now that my job has ended I have now accepted A LOT of students (mostly on instagram) and they have shared some of the sweetest photos and memories of us. 

These pictures are the reason why I love teaching. It's so much more than the textbook work...it's truly getting the honor to be in these kids lives, cheering for them, encouraging them, and assuring them that they are not alone.

It has been my greatest joy being their teacher!